Sunday, March 8, 2009

Learn to Write English Clearly and Correctly

Too many words to learn

Exercise A: Circle the correct form of 'to' in the following sentences. Write the corrected sentence on the line.
1. I need (to, too, two) go (to, too, two) the store (to, too, two) buy (to, too, two) dozen eggs.
ANSWER: I need to go to the store to buy two dozen eggs
2. (To, Too, Two) many criminals spend (to, too, two) little time in jail for failing (to, too, two) obey the law.
ANSWER: Too many criminals spend to little time in jail for failing to obey the law
3. (To, Too, Two) months ago, I drove (to, too, two) Virginia (to, too, two) visit my daughter.
Two months ago, I drove to Virginia to visit my daughter
4. George decided the test was (to, too, two) easy for him, but he waited (to, too, two) hours (to, too, two) take it (to, too, two) the teacher's desk.
ANSWER: George decided the test was too easy for him but he waited two hours to take it to the teacher’s desk.
5. Three drinks is (to, too, two) (to, too, two) many (to, too, two) have (to, too, two) be able (to, too, two) drive safely.
ANSWER: Three drinks is too many to have to be able to drive safely.
Exercise B: Circle the correct word in the parentheses ( ) below. Write the corrected sentence on the line.
1. The coach said (its, it's) up to me to decide if (their, they're) going to run or pass the ball.
ANSWER: The coach said it's up to me to decide if they're going to run or pass the ball.
2. (Their, They're) going to invite me to (their, they're) party so I can learn (whose, who's) getting married next.
ANSWER: They're going to invite me to their party so I can learn who's getting married next.
3. "Put (your, you're) gloves and boots on if (your, you're) going to play in the snow," Mother said.
ANSWER: "Put your gloves and boots on if you're going to play in the snow," Mother said.
4. (Whose, Who's) taking (your, you're) children to the park if (its, it's) raining?
ANSWER: Who's taking your children to the park if it's raining?
5. The company picked (its, it's) new president by asking the workers who (their, they're) choice would be.
ANSWER: The company picked its new president by asking the workers who their choice would be.

Examination: Choose the correct word from the ones you have studied in this lesson to complete the following sentences: to, too, two, its, it's, your, you're, their, they're, whose. who's
1. The check arrived too late for the family whose electricity would be turned off.
2. Your two rear tires have too little air in them for you to drive safely.
3. When dancers go to auditions, they're expected to take their own shoes.
4. it’s too easy to blame others for your mistakes.
5. If you're finished with this lesson now, you can give it to another person.
6. "It's my party and I'll cry if I want to."
7. The umpire cried, "You're out!" as the catcher tagged the runner.
8. who’s going for a drink after work and whose car will we take?
9. They're sure they lost their two children in the busy mall.
10. I talked to my neighbors about buying their two dogs, but one is too ugly and the other is too old.


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