Friday, March 13, 2009

Pronunciation Tips

Monday, March 9, 2009


1 to change to something new or to a new way of doing things:Many motorists are going over from leaded to unleaded fuel.She went over (= changed her support) to the Democrats at the last election.2 to change to another broadcaster or place of broadcast:We're now going over to Kate Adie speaking live from Baghdad.Later in this bulletin we will be going over to our Westminster studio for an update on the situation.
a serious or formal promise, especially one to give money or to be a friend, or something that you give as a sign that you will keep a promise:[+ to infinitive] All the candidates have given/made pledges not to raise taxes if they are elected.
1 When a tree or plant blossoms, it produces flowers before producing edible fruit:The cherry tree is beginning to blossom.
2. a small flower, or the small flowers on a tree or plant

1 to produce a lot of small bright flashes of reflected light:Her diamond necklace glittered brilliantly under the spotlights.
a small thin object with a sharp point which is thrown by hand in a game, or fired from a gun or blown from a tube when used as a weaponCompare arrow.
1 (ALSO handmaid) OLD USE a female servant
2 FORMAL something, such as an idea, which helps and supports something else:Technique is the handmaiden of art.

extremely and surprisingly good:a wondrous sight/sound/thingOur new improved face cream has wondrous effects on tired-looking skin.
to make a large jump or sudden movement, usually from one place to another:He leapt out of his car and ran towards the house.I leaped up to answer the phone
the chemical sulphur
1 a mass of very small bubbles formed on the surface of a liquid2 a cream-like substance which is filled with bubbles of air:shaving foam3 a soft material used to fill furniture and other objects
1 thin fog produced by very small drops of water gathering in the air just above an area of ground or water:The mountain villages seem to be permanently shrouded in mist.The early-morning mist soon lifted/cleared.2 a thin layer of liquid on the surface of something which makes it difficult to see:UK There's always a mist on the bathroom mirror/windows when I've had a shower.Through a mist of tears, I watched his train pull out of the station.
either of the two openings in the nose through which air moves when you breathe:The horses came to a halt, steam streaming from their nostrils.
the hard part on the bottom of the feet of animals such as horses, sheep and deer
1. to take the opportunity to get, use or enjoy something quickly:If you don't grab this opportunity, you might not get another one.We'd better get there early, or someone else will grab the best seats.Let's just grab a quick bite.
2. to take hold of something or someone suddenly and roughly:A mugger grabbed her handbag as she was walking across the park.He grabbed (hold of) his child's arm to stop her from running into the road.

An underground prison, especially in a castle

Sunday, March 8, 2009


Historial de conversación de Messenger Plus!
Inicio de sesión: domingo, 08 de marzo de 2009
(S)M@rIä VïCtÖrI@(S) (
Leigh (

(18:46) (S)M@rIä VïCtÖrI: Hello….how are you?
(18:47) Leigh: I am tired. This weekend I took a course on how to teach english as a foreign language. I had 20 hours of class in 2 days! 11 yesterday, and 9 today!
(18:47) Leigh: and how are you?
(18:47) (S)M@rIä VïCtÖrI: fine
(18:48) (S)M@rIä VïCtÖrI: but tell me something about your course…it is interesting
(18:49) Leigh: sure!
(18:49) (S)M@rIä VïCtÖrI: I would like to learn something about that because I am becoming a teacher
(18:49) (S)M@rIä VïCtÖrI: English teacher. Of course
(18:50) Leigh: we learned how to assess what level their english is at... it is not an exact science, but you can try to guess approximately at least. There is: elementary, low intermediate, intermediate, high intermediate, and advanced. Many schools rate these different.
(18:51) (S)M@rIä VïCtÖrI: yeah, it is important to take into account for teaching, I guess so
(18:51) (S)M@rIä VïCtÖrI: but you learned it for all ages or special ages?
(18:52) Leigh: this course was more generic... it is only part of my overall course. I took a 20 hour weekend course, and now I am taking a 100 hour online course which will go into much more detail
(18:53) (S)M@rIä VïCtÖrI: ohh it is good
(18:53) Leigh: we learned a lot of games to play with students to help them learn different things, and we got to practice teaching a bit. I had to teach comparatives and superlatives: big, bigger biggest. small, smaller, smallest. nice, nicer, nicest and to show this, we lined up everone from shortest to tallest, and said "you are tall, you are taller, you are tallest"
(18:53) (S)M@rIä VïCtÖrI: it is a similar autonomous learning
(18:54) Leigh: yes exactly. or distance education
(18:54) (S)M@rIä VïCtÖrI: i have some problems with superlatives and comparatives, I can write these but when I am speaking i dont used it
(18:55) Leigh: you should try to just when you are walking around. that building is big, that building is bigger, that building is the biggest
(18:56) (S)M@rIä VïCtÖrI: it is a good advice, I will try to bear mind it
(18:56) (S)M@rIä VïCtÖrI: why do you learn how to teach a second language?
(18:57) (S)M@rIä VïCtÖrI: Are you become a teacher?
(18:59) Leigh: I am not sure! Not right now anyway, but maybe one day in the future. I want to go and volunteer in Peru (or another country) teaching english for a month, hopefully next winter
(18:59) (S)M@rIä VïCtÖrI: wow it is a good idea but you should come to Colombia
(18:59) Leigh: I want to teach english to orphans
(18:59) (S)M@rIä VïCtÖrI: it is better :)
(19:00) (S)M@rIä VïCtÖrI: I really like the idea, I can notice that you have a big heart and you have clear your purposes
(19:00) Leigh: thank you very much :)
(19:01) (S)M@rIä VïCtÖrI: so tell me something about what do you do when you are not in classes?
(19:02) (S)M@rIä VïCtÖrI: last time you said me that you're working
(19:04) Leigh: yes! I am a computer programmer. so I work from 9-5, monday to friday. at night I go to the gym, have spanish 2 times a week, and in my spare time study, hang out with my friends, go dancing, go to church
(19:04) (S)M@rIä VïCtÖrI: what kind of religion do you have?
(19:04) Leigh: I am a Christian... are you religious?
(19:05) (S)M@rIä VïCtÖrI: yeah ….I am a Christian
(19:05) Leigh: cool :)
(19:05) (S)M@rIä VïCtÖrI: but I'm not going to church
(19:05) Leigh: how come?
(19:06) (S)M@rIä VïCtÖrI: I believe in god but I try to be better every day and follow that the Bible say
(19:07) Leigh: me too! I think it is important to have a community to help you, which is why I go to church, but certainly your relationship with God is the most important thing
(19:07) (S)M@rIä VïCtÖrI: yeah, but in Colombia is different when we were child our parents told us you have to go to church you have to believe in god …you have to everything is you have to but nobody say why you have too
(19:09) Leigh: it is similar here in a lot of families
(19:09) (S)M@rIä VïCtÖrI: so I met about god three years ago
(19:09) Leigh: when I was younger I believed because my parents told me to... but when I got older and started to think about it myself I had to figure out my own reasons for it, and figure out what exactly I believe
(19:09) (S)M@rIä VïCtÖrI: I got used to went to Christian church and I learned who is god and I met that He has beautiful things for us but human dont have bear in mind these
(19:11) Leigh: wait one second
(19:11) (S)M@rIä VïCtÖrI: ok don'tworry
(19:11) Leigh: you mean that humans don't pay attention to the plan that God has for them?
(19:11) (S)M@rIä VïCtÖrI: yeah
(19:12) Leigh: ok, continue :)
(19:13) (S)M@rIä VïCtÖrI: and I think that we have far away from him and we don't know his real love …sorry…we are far away from him and we don't know his real love
(19:13) (S)M@rIä VïCtÖrI: there are a few people that read the Bible so nobody learn about his plans
(19:14) Leigh: I think you are right. One of the reason I like to help orphans is because I think that God has a special place in his heart for orphans, for poor people, for people that are being oppressed... so I like to show them God's love by helping them and showing that I love them as well
(19:15) (S)M@rIä VïCtÖrI: yeah It is a great plan if one day I can help you, I am so glad to help you
(19:16) Leigh: thank you! one day I would like to come to columbia... so you can help me by giving me some information when the time comes :)
(19:16) (S)M@rIä VïCtÖrI: oh yeah, I think that you are learning something that help so much but when you want to apply your knowledges it is different
(19:18) Leigh: you mean with spanish?
(19:18) Leigh: you are right... I have trouble having conversations, because you need to think so fast. it is much easier to talk on msn
(19:18) (S)M@rIä VïCtÖrI: yeah, it is true for example when I am sometimes speaking
I feel that all time I am wrong but when I write I feel better
(19:20) Leigh: yup, you have more time to think about what you are writing/saying
(19:20) (S)M@rIä VïCtÖrI: yeah
(19:20) Leigh: and you can fix mistakes before you hit enter... with speaking, they hear your mistakes right away but the only way to get better at speaking, is to pratice
(19:21) (S)M@rIä VïCtÖrI: yes I know that but I sometimes feel that i dont have a good pronunciation when our teacher told me read, I feel insecure also I'm trying to improve my listening skill
(19:23) Leigh: speaking and listening are much harder than reading and writing
(19:23) (S)M@rIä VïCtÖrI: oh yeah …I consider that I have a good grammar but English is too complicated
(19:24) Leigh: hahaha, there are a lot of irregular things
(19:24) Leigh: I think that your english is definitely advanced though you are at a very high level
(19:25) (S)M@rIä VïCtÖrI: thank you at university we have to pass an exam called Michigan and it is said all contrary
(19:26) (S)M@rIä VïCtÖrI: in that exam we met words that we never use and never listen …the thing easier is speaking exam but reading, listening and grammar and the last one it is most difficult
(19:27) Leigh: for those they probably make it very difficult I don't even know if I would pass!
(19:27) (S)M@rIä VïCtÖrI: for example the next examI have to write an essay so our teacher are teaching how to write an essay this semester and we will a little time to write it so I can imagine that
(19:29) Leigh: that is pretty difficult!
(19:29) (S)M@rIä VïCtÖrI: yeah I really like to write but in spanish
(19:30) (S)M@rIä VïCtÖrI: you have to bear in mind rules and I hate the rules
(19:36) (S)M@rIä VïCtÖrI: tell me something Do you have a girlfriend?
(19:36) Leigh: no I don't! I am single. what about you? do you have a boyfriend?
(19:36) (S)M@rIä VïCtÖrI: No I'm single too…nobody wants to love me
(19:37) Leigh: dont' say that! you just haven't met the right guy ..what are columbian guys like?
(19:38) (S)M@rIä VïCtÖrI: I really fall in love of my old boyfriend but we can't stay because he lives in Bogota and I live in Neiva but we wish to be together one day
(19:39) Leigh: I hope it works out for you!
(19:39) (S)M@rIä VïCtÖrI: maybe but now I'm studying hard because I would like to do a postgrade in another country
(19:40) (S)M@rIä VïCtÖrI: I would like to apply for scholarship
(19:45) Leigh: what would you like to do your postgrad in?
(19:45) (S)M@rIä VïCtÖrI: didactic i dont know how to say it
(19:46) Leigh: what does that mean?
(19:46) (S)M@rIä VïCtÖrI: how to teach
(19:47) Leigh: ahh interesting... you are teaching me english!
(19:47) Leigh: 800,000 - 140,000 pesos per month…is that a lot of money?
(19:48) (S)M@rIä VïCtÖrI: in Colombia is a few money per?
(19:48) Leigh: month oh every month
(19:49) (S)M@rIä VïCtÖrI: I don't know if pesos in your country is the same in mine
(19:49) Leigh: columbian pesos
(19:49) (S)M@rIä VïCtÖrI: yeah
(19:50) Leigh: could I live with 140,000 pesos a month?
(19:50) (S)M@rIä VïCtÖrI: 140.000 or 1400 000
(19:51) Leigh: 140 mil
(19:52) (S)M@rIä VïCtÖrI: you can't live with that
(19:52) Leigh: can you live with 800 mil?
(19:53) (S)M@rIä VïCtÖrI: if you want to live better you have to earn about one million or more…kind of
(19:53) Leigh: maybe they wrote the number wrong
(19:53) (S)M@rIä VïCtÖrI: yeah….i think that
(19:54) (S)M@rIä VïCtÖrI: I guess so
(19:56) Leigh: guess what, I haven't had a girlfriend in 7 yearsQ!
(19:56) (S)M@rIä VïCtÖrI: wow …why?
(19:56) Leigh: I am not sure
it is a long time though haha
(19:57) (S)M@rIä VïCtÖrI: YEAH-…too much
(19:57) Leigh: I know... but it is difficult to meet girls…especially ones that you like!
(19:57) (S)M@rIä VïCtÖrI: but are you interest or interesting someone?
(19:58) Leigh: no right now I am not interested in anyone
(19:58) (S)M@rIä VïCtÖrI: ok
(19:58) (S)M@rIä VïCtÖrI: thank you so much for your helping
I really like to write in English and practice it
(19:59) Leigh: no problem :) I am glad I could help you
if you have questions, just let me know
(19:59) (S)M@rIä VïCtÖrI: ok.. bye..kisses

Learn to Write English Clearly and Correctly

Too many words to learn

Exercise A: Circle the correct form of 'to' in the following sentences. Write the corrected sentence on the line.
1. I need (to, too, two) go (to, too, two) the store (to, too, two) buy (to, too, two) dozen eggs.
ANSWER: I need to go to the store to buy two dozen eggs
2. (To, Too, Two) many criminals spend (to, too, two) little time in jail for failing (to, too, two) obey the law.
ANSWER: Too many criminals spend to little time in jail for failing to obey the law
3. (To, Too, Two) months ago, I drove (to, too, two) Virginia (to, too, two) visit my daughter.
Two months ago, I drove to Virginia to visit my daughter
4. George decided the test was (to, too, two) easy for him, but he waited (to, too, two) hours (to, too, two) take it (to, too, two) the teacher's desk.
ANSWER: George decided the test was too easy for him but he waited two hours to take it to the teacher’s desk.
5. Three drinks is (to, too, two) (to, too, two) many (to, too, two) have (to, too, two) be able (to, too, two) drive safely.
ANSWER: Three drinks is too many to have to be able to drive safely.
Exercise B: Circle the correct word in the parentheses ( ) below. Write the corrected sentence on the line.
1. The coach said (its, it's) up to me to decide if (their, they're) going to run or pass the ball.
ANSWER: The coach said it's up to me to decide if they're going to run or pass the ball.
2. (Their, They're) going to invite me to (their, they're) party so I can learn (whose, who's) getting married next.
ANSWER: They're going to invite me to their party so I can learn who's getting married next.
3. "Put (your, you're) gloves and boots on if (your, you're) going to play in the snow," Mother said.
ANSWER: "Put your gloves and boots on if you're going to play in the snow," Mother said.
4. (Whose, Who's) taking (your, you're) children to the park if (its, it's) raining?
ANSWER: Who's taking your children to the park if it's raining?
5. The company picked (its, it's) new president by asking the workers who (their, they're) choice would be.
ANSWER: The company picked its new president by asking the workers who their choice would be.

Examination: Choose the correct word from the ones you have studied in this lesson to complete the following sentences: to, too, two, its, it's, your, you're, their, they're, whose. who's
1. The check arrived too late for the family whose electricity would be turned off.
2. Your two rear tires have too little air in them for you to drive safely.
3. When dancers go to auditions, they're expected to take their own shoes.
4. it’s too easy to blame others for your mistakes.
5. If you're finished with this lesson now, you can give it to another person.
6. "It's my party and I'll cry if I want to."
7. The umpire cried, "You're out!" as the catcher tagged the runner.
8. who’s going for a drink after work and whose car will we take?
9. They're sure they lost their two children in the busy mall.
10. I talked to my neighbors about buying their two dogs, but one is too ugly and the other is too old.



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